Friday, August 07, 2009

Defective Planning

When my uncle Richard moved to Florida he bought a powerful 42" Sports Fisherman. It had two 427 motors and two fuel takes. Each could hold 500 gallons. It was at the time of the Cuban boat lift when he chartered his boat to rescue Cubans.

His plan was to charter the Sports Fisherman, collect a large amount of money and go only a short distance toward Cuba. He planned to make the ride so wild that the Cubans would want to quickly go to port. The money was nonrefundable, after all, the goal of the plan was to get and keep their money.

He anticipated that they would want their money back. That is why he had taken a hand gun. The trip to Cuban began and quickly ended in Clearwater. It was there that a confrontation over money began. Richard pull his gun. The Cubans called the cops and Richard was arrested and put in jail. What was wrong with his plan?

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