Sunday, September 20, 2009

Students can't name first president.

This is a thought provoking CNN video.


Anonymous said...

I saw this study last week. I couldn't believe the low percentages to the questions. In Philly we use to say that the high schools was merely a babysitting service,kids just got up and walked out of the room without permission,they mouth off,never open a book and the system just pushes these kids full speed ahead just to get rid of them. In 20 more years there will be plenty of jobs available since nobody will have the brains or education to apply for them.
To be honest I believe children suffered emotionally and academically when moms started working full time outside the home.

mike said...

Children suffered even more when parents abandoned their parenting responsibilites. Many parents are like an older kid in charge. Parents in control seem to be a lost concept. Many people expect the school system to take care of their parenting duties. If they have an emotional problem at home, they hide from it. These parents want to think that they are their kids "friends". They don't want to make their kids mad at them. These parents are too concearned with the popularity factor they can maintain with their kids.

Anonymous said...

Parents are not always equipped to handle emotional illness. Emotional upset is one thing,emotional illness is another. A professional in child psychology is sometimes needed and can't hurt, at least they can determine if the problem is serious or not.A parent can't always judge the severity or lack of when it concerns their child. A non objective source can be helpful. When moms went to work, children had to fend for themselves,they had to get themselves up,make breakfast,get themselves out,lock the door behind them and return to an empty home.There is nobody to see them off or to welcome them home,kids who plopped mico meals and welcomed friends in, lonely,bored and unsupervised kids got into drugs,drinking etc. Mom comes home 6pm tired from her day to care about the child's day. I am an old school mom, my mom never worked,she never had to, she was always there.

Anonymous said...

Some people may argue that children who have to fend for themselves at a young age fosters independence. In my opinion a child needs parental contact and authority until they are teenagers. I have huge issues with women who have children raised by day care workers.
There is no reason why any person at least 10 years old does not know who the first President is. Perhaps these kids lived in front of computers and video games with no parent in the home to set limits.

Anonymous said...

Maybe kids don't know American History because teachers just don't teach it.

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