Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This is not Freedom of the Press when ...

... I control who and what gets published. It is as if I am Orwell's 'Big Brother'.  There has to be no one in control, then it is Freedom of the Press.
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Babs has left a new comment on your post "Freedom of the Press has been lost too."

For anybody to deny this is not freedom of the press is too far up Obamas ass to admit any truth.

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Posted by Babs to The Educator's Blog at 7:25 AM


Anonymous said...

I can't stand when I post something and the read out says ' Waiting for permission before it gets posted". So,if it's an opposing view from what author has,what's the big deal? I can understand if it is a threat against the authors life or another but it just drives me crazy to be censored. I signed up to post on the Huffington Report awhile back,my post never made it to the article.It doesn't even have to be a nasty ,if it is an opposing view, it will never be published. I always keep my sites open to all and I never delete negative comments and I get some real vile comments but do I post to get only positive results? Some sites offer a chance to actually debate with others an issue but usually when Democrat liberals and Conservative Republicans are on the same page, they are NEVER on the same page and it becomes a hate fest. Sometimes that works because it gives you the opportunity to vent.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

There has to be no one in control, then it is Freedom of the Press.

I agree!

mike said...

There is not anyone in CONTROL. Anyone can publish anything that they want. Big Brother Eliminated by Law what he didn't like. There are no laws that punish & silence people from publishing whatever they want. To ridicule & try to negate the publishing is not control. Control is when it is FORBIDDEN to publish what is not permitted under penalty of the power of the Law incarcerating people for free expression. The attempts to control speech & the press are more eliminated as like in the administration of the Bushman who made it a violation of the Law if you spoke out at his speeches if you were outside of the "Free Speech Zones". If you spoke against permitted viewpoints outside the "zones" where free speech was regulated too, you were jailed & charged with violating the law regarding "Free Speech Zones"

Control would be if Government agents are at Fox News at 7:30 AM & put Government locks on the doors, handcuffed & shackled the buildings inhabitants, leading them off to prison. Then the People like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc would suddenly vanish in the middle of the night & no one would ever hear of them again, or their heads would be cut off in the public square.
"Influencing" what they 'would prefer' news to say, & ridiculing Faux News Commentators is a far cry from Big Brother, or even the control, through "Free Speech Zones" of the previous Administration that shredded the Constitution.
If the Right continues with their subversive ways, martial law may need to be enforced to actually militarily invade their strongholds. That would include their propaganda mills. While we are still free, their propaganda mills can still spew their hateful Un Americanism. There may be a need in the future to control the over the top rousing of the rabble that the right passes off as news.

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