Thursday, May 28, 2009

I watched 'W' at the Lime-n-Coconut

Hi Mike:

I watched 'W' at the Lime-n-Coconut; yes, it is a movie. One that everyone should see because of the connection between one person's behavior [George W. Bush] and the consequences that we all now suffer. This would have all been prevent if Yale's admission officer and the President of Yale had denied 'W' admission to Yale. There was a novel written about those fate full days when George Bush senior was pressuring Yale administrators: A Man in Charge by Morris Philipson. They didn't stand their ground and here we are now.

You might think that this has not much to do with education. But it does. It is about high education's failure at the highest level. 'W' wanted us to think that he was the education president. If that was the case then the would be interested in financially supporting My request for financial assistance resulted in being investigated and attacked by the IRS. It was six months of Hell.

'W' is a movie that we should all see; perhaps, several time over several years. We must learn that we should never elect someone like 'W' to be our president again.


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