Saturday, September 03, 2011

Low Achievement

Low achievement is epidemic in America.  I see it every where I look. The very act of watching TV is a low low achievement activity where I watch other engaged in low achievement behavior such as chasing, hitting or throwing a ball.  Then there are those that crash into each other or other self destructive behavior.

I watched a cop show tonight and realized that the cops were obstucting low achievers. What did the cops achieve?  It wasn't a product that could be sold, exchanged or used for some purpose.  They did, however, obstruct behavior that needed to be obstructed.

I personal get satisfaction from achieving.  Writing this is an achievement that hopefully someone will read.
I also get pleasure from repairing my home.  There was a time when I could do whatever I wished to improve my home.  That has ended.  Now I need to buy a permit if I am allowed to buy it.

I needed to fix my roof.  One of the obstructions to that achievement is the law that forbids me from fixing my own roof.  Since, I am a high achiever, I will repair my roof on the weekend when the Code Enforcement Officer is off duty.

It isn't easy to achieve an objective. Sometimes, it isn't worth the effort.

Do you obstruct achievement?  Are you one of those people that get paid to obstruct achievement?

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