Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mike, math teacher, voted early.

I am proud to say that this morning I exercised my
right as an American to cast my vote to move America
forward, to end the War Crime in Iraq, to resume the
War on Terror, to eliminate tax breaks for the wealthy,
to help insure that there is no extra drilling for oil
& destruction of what is left of Earth's natural treasures.
I voted to put science back into the schools. I voted to
have someone putting open minded judges with some
brains on the Supreme Court. I voted to help everyone
get adequate health care. I voted to help stamp out
the Godless nature of Conservatism with it's small
minded fanaticism against blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, gays,
people that think, etc.
I voted to bring America out of the dark ages.
I voted to move America into the 21st Century.
I voted to pass the torch to a new generation of
I cast my vote this morning, proudly, for Barack Hussain Obama.

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